Monday, September 30, 2013

Rivalry: Part One.

(Fan fiction for Ephorox. Pairing is of my OC, Osiris and one of his OC's, Sheen. Two more of his OC's Bobby and Zeb are also in the story.)

Sheen snarled at the snow cone vendor. "What do you mean there's NO watermelon syrup!?" He yelled at the poor man, who had soiled his pants from fear. "Y-Y-Y-You had t-t-t-three waterm-m-nelon snow c-cones and we us-s-ed what w-was left of the s-syrup." The man said, studdering in fear.

"Eh, okay then. Have a nice day." Sheen said, in a completely different attitude. The vendor ran off in the other direction as fast as his legs could carry him. Sheen strolled through Jungle Dream Park, or JDP, as he liked to call it. He stopped short when he heard the sounds of two people having what sounded like rough sex. Deciding to avoid any awkward incidents he continued on. "Maybe I'll give Ozzy a call." The red wereman said to himself.

Reaching the public phone at the snack area, he dialed the Drunken Reaper bar's number. Only one ring did he hear a click on the other line. "Drunken Reaper." A woman's voice answered. "Hey, Cam! Can I talk to Oz?" He asked. He could have just called his boyfriend's cell phone, but he found some sort of fun in calling the workplace.

Sheen heard chatter on the other end. "Yes, Camille?" A baritone voice asked. "Phone. You." She said. "Did they say who it was?" He asked again. "Annoying boyfriend. Yours." Camille said, he heard a door close on the other end. "Sheen?" Osiris voice came through the line. "Heya babe? You busy?" He heard Osiris chuckle on the other line. "Alright, Sheen. What time and what do I bring?" Osiris answered, already knowing what the other man wanted. "Now, and oh! A watermelon!" Sheen said, making Osiris laugh. "Alright. Today's a slow day anyway. I'll be there in ten minutes." Sheen grinned and hung up the phone.

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