Then the dragon's thought about the bouncer. 'A liger. You don't see many of those around here. Heh, he sure was cute. He smelled nice too, maybe I'll pay a visit to that club again tonight, see if I can catch him there.' Thoran thought to himself walking into the bustling gym.
Making his way into the locker room, a smile made it's way on his face seeing his locker he used, which somehow always seemed to be occupied by another was available. Stripping down, he switched into his spare clothes from his red duffle bag. A black under armor shirt, a pair of red shorts and reboks.
Placing his change of clothes in the locker, he made his way to the Bowflex 5000, people trying their best to be professional and not stare. Who could blame them? The man had every inch of him pouring with muscles. He noticed someone checking out his ass in the corner of his eye.
The red shorts did show that nice ass, all right.
After his tenth set, he made his way to the treadmills. Seeing how the new updated models were able to withstand up to 390 pounds was a relief. Last thing he, or anyone on that note, wanted was to have to pay for a machine with pocket change.
Two hours into his workout, he noticed a familiar figure go into the locker rooms.
A liger?
The dragon stopped the machine, seeing the belts halting in their movement. He then noticed that his shirt and shorts were both soaking wet. "Time to hit the showers." He told himself, walking towards the back area.
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