Sunday, October 13, 2013


(Fan fiction for Vasuki. Pairing is of his two OC's, Howie and Dylan.)

The night was cool and crisp as Howie and Dylan were fast asleep with Howie laying on Dylan's chest. The blankets tucked in and keeping them warm, the night was of peace and quiet.




Dylan rubbed his eyes waking up to the sound. He looked over at the clock on the desk. He groaned seeing it read 1:22. Dylan was about to fall back asleep when he heard that noise again.


"Howie. Howie, wake up." Dylan whispered lightly pushing his shoulder waking him up. "Mmuhhh.. Whuh." Howie mumbled but was shushed when the noise came back.




"What the hell? Is there a burglar in the house?" Howie whispered. "I'm going to check it out." Dylan said slowly and quietly getting out of the bed. He cautiously made his way down the stairs. The sounds becoming much more clear.




Picking up the nearest blunt object, Dylan slowly went into the living room and saw someone's shape sitting on the couch. Raising the steel pipe, he turned the lights on.

"Sorry. I got hungry."

Something in Dylan's head snapped like a twig. "HOWIE!!"
He yelled out, hearing the sound of footsteps run down the stairs. "Is it a burglar!?" He asked. He came into the room and groaned seeing Connor finishing the now empty bag of chips on the sofa.

"No. Its your damn brother." Dylan replied face palming himself. They were woken up at one in the morning by the chip ninja. Great.

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